CS Resources for Teachers and Parents
Computational thinking exercises for introducing CS without a computer.
Drag & drop block-based programming to build animations and interactive programs.
Interactive game for teaching coding and programming concepts.
Google Computational Thinking Course
A free online course helping educators integrate computational thinking into their curriculum.
Lots of simple exercises for problem solving with code, as well as more involved curriculum.
A free curriculum designed for an in-school, self-paced blended learning environment where students practice life skills while building creative projects using Google’s Suite of apps - targeting 7th-12th grade students.
Code in any language in the browser; has features to set up a classroom.
Allows students to build Android Apps in the browser.
Games you can build using Blockly (block-based programming).
Articles & Research
Tips for Parents Who Want to Help Their Child Learn More About Computer Science
Top 10 Ways Families Can Encourage Girls' Interest in Computing
Google research study that identifies that exposure & encouragement are leading factors that influence young women in their decision to pursue CS degrees
Searching for Computer Science
Google research study on the mismatch between perceived value of CS education and delivery of CS education
Discusses stereotypical representation of computer science in the media